Colorful Texas Sayings

Recently, Anne Dingus collected a list of “colorful Texas sayings than you can shake a stick at” that was published by Texas Monthly.

Here are my top ten favorites from the roll:

Acceptable: “You can’t beat that with a stick.”

Boastful: “He can strut sitting down.”

Dishonest: “So crooked that if he swallowed a nail he’d spit up a corkscrew.”

Honest: “He’s so honest you could shoot craps with him over the phone.”

Argumentative: “She’s in a horn-tossing mood.”

Timid: “He wouldn’t bite a biscuit.”

Dry: “Drier than a popcorn fart.”

Busy: “He’s so busy you’d think he was twins.”

Unsophisticated: “He’s so country he thinks that a seven-course meal is a possum and a six-pack.”

Capable: “She’s got some snap in her garters.”

General Advice: “A worm is the only animal that can’t fall down.”

General Advice: “The barn door’s open and the mule’s trying to run.” – Your fly’s down – You’re unzipped

Celebratory: We’ll paint the town and the front porch.”

Big: “She’s warm in winter, shady in summer.”

Tight: “He’ll squeeze a nickel till the buffalo screams.”

Crazy: “He’s got a big hole in his screen door.”

Poor: “So poor I had a tumbleweed as a pet.”

Hot: “Hotter than whoopee in woolens.”

Bad: “He’s so low you couldn’t put a rug under him.”

Strong: “That coffee’s so strong it’ll walk into your cup.”

Sick: “All stove up.”

Talkative: “She speaks ten words a second, with gusts to fifty.”

Putdowns: “Anytime you happen to pass my house, I’d sure appreciate it.”

Difficult: “Like putting socks on a rooster.”

Dumb: “He don’t know diddly squat.”

Unacceptable: “That dog won’t hunt.”

Citified: “Raised on concrete.”

Good/Happy: “Fine as frog fur.”

There are plenty more where these came from. See “Your Guide to Being Texan” from

Texas Monthly.

Here are some other Texas lingo links:

118 Famous Texas Sayings and Phrases Along With Their Meanings

More Colorful Texas Sayings Than You Can Shake a …

28 Famous Texas Quotes for All Occasions! – Enchanting

Try some of these sayings. Especially if you live outside Texas. They will amaze your smart friends and mystify the intellectually challenged ones.

About Allen Mesch

Allen is an author, educator, and historian. He has written six books: The Analyst; Teacher of Civil War Generals; Your Affectionate Father, Charles F. Smith; Charles A. Marvin - "One Year. Six Months, and Eleven Days", Preparing for Disunion, and Ebenezer Allen - Statesman, Entrepreneur, and Spy. He taught classes on the American Civil War at Collin College. He has visited more than 130 Civil War sites and given presentations at Civil War Roundtables.
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1 Response to Colorful Texas Sayings

  1. Sharlyn Mesch says:



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