Writing Classes

Allen at Old Typewriter

Writing comprises three stages: 1.) creating the first draft, 2.) editing and polishing the rough draft, and 3.) publishing the book, memoir, and/or journal.

These classes are reserved for subscribers to my mailing list. Please see the link, Mailing List if you would like to subscribe.

Class One – Starting Writing

In Class One, students will identify their reasons for writing a book, memoir, and/or journal. They will learn how to structure their story, where to find information, and how to perform research. These lessons apply to fiction and non-fiction books, memoirs, and journals. Homework assignments are included to guide students in their writing journey.

To view Class One lectures and homework, please click on the following link Class One [password protected]

Class Two – From Writer to Author

In Class Two, students will learn how to edit their manuscripts. How to promote your book before it is published. How to find the “right” people to review your book and the pros and cons of writing groups.

To view Class Two lectures and homework, please click on the following link Class Two [password protected]

Class Three – Getting Published

In Class Three, students will learn where to sell their writing, how to find a suitable publisher and avoid the bad ones, the merits of self-publishing, and how to prepare a Facebook page for your book.

To view Class Three lectures and homework, please click on the following link Class Three [password protected]

Contact: email: allen.mesch@gmail.com  web site: https://allenmesch.com/